"What a gift of peace of mind you gave us - we knew we could trust you, even during this challenging pandemic, to take impeccable care of our Mom."


October 2021

I did want to mention how extremely pleased I have been these past couple weeks in the manner the staff at Sierra responded to Linda's needs. Such a comfort to know she is noticed and her needs are met. Sounds simple, but I've seen instances when even that 'easy' approach and attitude have been missing. Thank you - and them!


We knew it was time to make the difficult decision, it was time to place mom into a memory care facility.  We did our research and decided upon Vista Hermosa.  I read about their philosophy on elder care and it just sounded like a good fit.   We met with the staff twice and were impressed with their dedication and knowledge and the facility itself was full of life and laughter.  It feels like a home, not an institution. They even have pets for their residents to love on.

I am a nurse with over thirty years experience in elder care.  With all of my knowledge in this field, it did not help me when making the personal decision of placing my mother into a facility for people with memory loss.  I was just a scared daughter and hoping I was making the right decision.

The staff at Vista Hermosa have been amazing.  From our first visit we knew we had  found a special place.  You can feel the love in this home.  They are always kind and helpful with true compassion and empathy as we were struggling with this transition.  They answered all of our questions, returned calls promptly, sent photos of mom to help ease our minds.  They even called a couple of times a day to give an update for the first few days.  I have been in this industry a long time and have never witnessed this level of caring. You can tell the staff are loving and try to give the best care possible from their hearts. We even received a hand written note from the owner.  This is a small privately owned company and their commitment to the residents shows in their actions.

For this being such a difficult decision on a personal level, we know as a family we made the right decision.  Vista Hermosa is truly a special home for elders with memory issues. Thank you to all of your staff for helping us in this major life transition.  I am finally sleeping at night! Your kind words and calm approach, insight, and honesty have been so helpful. You have been a true blessing to us!


I am writing to thank you for taking such good care of my wife Gerlinde. We, like many families, made some big mistakes deciding initially where to place our loved one. Some poor options were organized with luxury hotels; with movies three days a week and a trip into town to eat out twice a month, with Private rooms with TV and personal pictures on the wall, etc. We were quick to learn that they had no idea how to handle the memory impaired. After spending a month in the home with Gerlinde, I realized we had made a major mistake.

In late November 2018 we contacted you at Sierra Vista. We were fortunate that you had space by the first of December. You were able to pick up Gerlinde at Legacy and we never had to look back. Thus began a very long and close relationship with you and your staff. You cannot imagine my relief to realize that you had the personnel and facilities to confidently care for Gerlinde; including open sitting areas, family dining, bed rooms for sleeping or just to get away are always available, chickens and goats, turtles, fish, birds, an RN on staff, activities to involve residents, and minimum personal property. 

And as it turned out, you were soon looking out for both me and Gerlinde. Yolanda gave me much appreciated help with Gerlinde's wardrobe. She introduced me to Buck and Buck, invited me to a support group, Christmas Parties, Fiesta Parties, leisurely afternoons on the patio, new friends from the residence families. I was able to spend two to three hours a day and grew quite close to everyone that worked there. And then came covid 19. 

Pandemic changed everything almost immediately with no visits. This called for more creative approaches: facetime calls, window visits, zoom conferences. Those who visited frequently were able to stay in touch by telephone and have to this day, We all now are part of a large extended family. Sierra Vista did everything in their power to provide excellent help under very trying circumstances. You not only provided excellent care for Gerlinde but also offered me consultation. For this I will be forever thankful. Alzheimer's is a devastating disease but you handled it with pure kindness and grace. 

The Cook Family

What impresses me is the home like atmosphere that is maintained in this facility.  Having to put my older sister who was always my best friend into a home at 48 because of dementia was very difficult.   I had planned on putting my sister in the nursing center here in Taos, but because I was never asked for her financials we were denied. A friend of mine here in Taos, recommended Sierra Vista to me.  I had never heard of this facility  I immediately called Sierra Vista and Yolanda accommodated meeting with me within 24 hours. 
I was so impressed with how much Sierra Vista was like living in a home.  I signed my sister up and was able to move her in within about a week.
In visiting before COVID, every resident and their family were so amazing.  I will never forget sitting with my sister and a fellow resident had family visiting at the same time.  They shared stories of my sister hanging out with them when they visited and that they enjoyed having her with them.  It was amazing to see them share food and talk to her like they had been forever friends. 
This is what sticks out in my mind.  No matter who is there visiting a relative everyone is treated like family and they were always included.  It was a real blessing to me because living 60 miles away, I couldn’t always get to Santa Fe to see  my sister.  She was always treated as a family member by the staff and the residents and their family. 
I have had a lot of comfort knowing that when I do see my sister now through a window, she still recognizes me.  Almost 9 months after COVID hit and her disease progressing, my sister still knows my face.  It speaks volumes as to the quality of care she is receiving.


We wish you to know how grateful we are for the love and care that you showed Shirley in her last years, and for the especial efforts you exerted in her last months. We will always be grateful.

Dan & Diane

Dec. 2020

We want to thank you for the wonderful, loving care you gave our precious Mother for all the time she was with you. We know that Mom felt safe and loved while she was with you - And we could feel how loving you were with our Mom. You all come from your heart. It was as if you were her family caring for her. We are so grateful to you all for your excellent care you gave our Mother. 
And what a gift of peace of mind you gave us - we knew we could trust you, even during this challenging pandemic, to take impeccable care of all your elders, including our Mom. We feel very fortunate to have found you and entrusted our Mom to you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we love you!  

Harris Family

Dec. 2020

For the past five years, Sierra Vista and Vista Hermosa have taken care of Charles.  Knowing I could no longer physically take care of Charles, I was so relieved when he entered Sierra Vista at the beginning of 2016 because I knew I had found the best possible place for his care.  One can sense the kind, loving atmosphere when entering a Vista Living Community.  As you know I visited every day until the pandemic hit in March and observed first-hand the great care given to Charles and all the elders.  You also care for the families who entrust their loved ones with you.  When family and friends came to visit, all were impressed by the wonderful environment and loving care at Sierra Vista.

I am so grateful to you, the staff, and the caregivers at both residences for taking such good care of Charles.  Staff and caregivers alike treat the elders with love, kindness, dignity, humor, and compassion.  I also appreciate the love and care you expressed for me and Charles’ family and friends when we visited.  You always made us feel welcome and expressed care and concern for our well-being, often accompanied by hugs. I will always be grateful that Charles spent his last years and days at Sierra Vista and Vista Hermosa.  


April 2020

This letter is to recognize all of the staff and caregivers of the Arbors for their laudatory commitment to willingly accept such a commendable degree of bravery and dedication to protecting and providing for the elders during this difficult moment in time. Your service exemplifies the selfless principles and character that comprise the long list describing the "unsung hero". 

The Easley's

April 2020

This is the most effective operation I’ve witnessed since Dad entered the facility over five years ago. The current, competent staff of helpful, kind care partners is the best group of workers to date. Employees seem to enjoy their jobs, performing them well, even though some of the tasks may be unpleasant. The all-around atmosphere in the facility is pleasant, loving, clean and full of love for the elders. Blanca’s leadership has made a huge, positive difference. Thank you for allowing my dad and all elders to spend their days in such a facility. 


Dec. 2019

We want you to know how much our family appreciate you - and all of you at Sierra Vista. Your kindness and love are so wonderful to experience. I know Mom feels it and that's why she's so content and feels so well taken care of. I see her expression of happiness when one of the members of your care team comes over to her. It warms my heart, our hearts, to know how well Mom is being cared for. And we are so grateful that you have assembled a group of caregivers who all - without exception - are the cream of the crop! 

S.H. Family

Dec. 2019

Not a day goes by that I don't miss Mom.  Sometimes the best of times come to mind, sometimes the most difficult.  Sometimes just the comfortingly mundane.  But these recollections always come round being ever grateful for the kind and loving care she received at Sierra Vista.  And, just as significantly, all the help and perspective you gave our family in Mom's final years.  Mom truly did seem at peace, especially at the very end. 

Lisa M.E.

July 2019

The incredible insights and dedication, tenacity and patience of all the staff are awe-inspiring.


June 2019

Memory loss is not pretty, is not recoverable, and presents significant challenges to caregivers. Sierra Vista has been excellent in maintaining a staff with the physical stamina and disposition to deal with these challenges.


June 2019

Dear Blanca,
I want to tell you how grateful I am that my mom has been very happy when I have called in the last few weeks. She has talked about the activities she's been involved in -- on the days I've called she has been either painting or "coloring" and she says she really likes both activities. I think having an Activities Director and having scheduled activities has made a big difference in her life at The Arbors. 

I have always thought that The Arbors provides a wonderful environment for her. The colors of the walls, the birds, the garden and outdoor space. and the animals are all things that make her feel more comfortable. And the activities are an added bonus. Thank you for providing the environment and the staff to make her feel happy and at peace.

I look forward to visiting again this summer. I can't wait to see what the garden and plants look like -- I was there in March and the plants and trees were either hibernating or just beginning to bud.
Thank you again for the welcoming home you've made of The Arbors.

Tonya Betts

May 2019

Dear Carol, Kris, and Yolanda,
Thank you so much for taking time to meet with us today. Carol, one of the things I like best about Sierra Vista is the way you go TOWARD potential problems and conflicts, nipping them in the bud. You do it with finesse too, which I highly admire. Kris, I am so grateful for your care of Joan and all the other elders. Knowing that you are there with your thoroughness and skill is a huge relief to me. You dot all the i's and are tenacious in your advocacy for your charges. Yolanda, you didn't say much, but I know you are there with your loving skill as well, watching out for everyone. It is clear to me that Mom is in excellent hands. Again, my thanks.

Peggy Spencer

Dear Velma, 
​I want first to thank you for all that you and your wonderful staff have done for Frankie and me and my sisters over the years. It has been a life saver for me to know that Frankie is safe and receiving the very best care available. Thinking back, there have been some quite good times during the years she has spent there. She indeed blossomed after she settled in there. For instance, I did not know how much she loved the singing and that she knew all of the words to all of those old popular songs and hymns. Given the situation, yes, you probably will see a good deal of me around there in the near future. If you have any suggestions to make, I am anxious to hear them. After all, you, in some ways, know Frankie better than I do. I also want to express how deeply I am grateful to Liz for all of the extraordinary work she did on Frankie’s behalf. I’m sure she will be greatly missed. I miss her already. If you could convey these feelings to her I would really appreciate it.


Please extend my heartfelt thanks to all who cared for my wife. Your facility and staff truly do make one feel at home and loved.  My only regret is that I did not move her there much earlier.


March 2018

I am most grateful for providing Bill with such a good place...it was happy time for me too.


July 2017

The Arbors is unlike any other similar facility I have known.  They speak of residents and caregivers as being family.


May 2017

Triangular graphic that is part of Vista Living Care branding.